Juani Viola
Software Developer and Competitive ProgrammerAbout Me
I am a software developer with a passion for web development. I have experience in the development of web applications using the latest technologies. Such as React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and more.
I am also a competitive programmer in training, using c++. CP is the way of I started programming and I love the feeling of satisfaction when I think a solution for the problem, code and submit the program, and see the green Accepted status on my program after hours of hard work. During contests, I do it for the adrenaline rush as I try to solve the problem as quickly as possible.
Being a constant learner, and a competitive programmer, gives me the possibility to increase my productivity and improve the quality of my solutions.
I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to improve my skills. If you want to know more about me, please contact me.
My Experience
- SOLID Principles
- Factory Design Pattern
- Hexagonal Architecture
- Data Structures
- Recursion
- Backtracking
- Binary Search
- Divide and Conquer
- Greedy
- Dynamic Programming
- Meet in the Middle
- BFS and DFS
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Git
- HTML and CSS
- JavaScript
- React, Vue
- Jest
- Cypress
- Testing library
- Sass
- Node.js
- Elastic search
- CQRS and Event Sourcing
- Rest, Soap and GraphQL Api's
- Gherkin
- TDD and ATDD
- Domain Driven Design
Devops and CI
- Github Actions
- Jenkins
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- AWS Lambda
- Digital Ocean Kubernetes